Youth Group Leaders

Youth Group Leaders
Nate Langelli – Email Nate
Amy Langelli – Email Amy
Ariel Goehring – Email Ariel
Nate Langelli is a high school Social Studies teacher at Freedom Area School District. As a Pastor’s son, Nate has been blessed to serve in the church for a very long time.  He has helped lead Sunday School, Awana (Children’s Bible program), and other various activities serving children and youth. He enjoys the occasional racquetball game and more importantly – he enjoys being able to serve the Lord.  He looks forward to working more with the youth at Centerpoint and watching God grow our church as we seek after Him.
Amy Langelli has a passion for youth. She is a high school math teacher at South Side High School and loves working with youth on a daily basis. She and her husband (Nate) have two beautiful daughters, Lilyanne Grace and Rosalynn Joy, who not only keep them on their toes, but more importantly keep them thanking God for such a precious gifts. They desire to see Lily and Rosie grow up in the Lord and serve Him every day of their lives – and they hope to lead by example. During her teen years, Amy led a dance ministry in her church and a group of young girls called “God’s Girls.” She has served on a couple of mission trips and is very excited to serve in the middle school youth group as well! She desires to show the youth, through example, that it takes courage to be different from the world that surrounds them. I John 2:15-17

Ariel Goehring is a Licensed Social Worker and a native of California. After moving to Pittsburgh for grad school, Ariel became enveloped in community and put down roots in Western PA. Ariel works with individuals with intellectual disabilities and during the summertime, she serves as a camp counselor. Ariel has grown up in the church and served in a variety of capacities over the years. Including, you guessed it, church summer camp! She has been excited to join the Youth Group team and looks forward to the opportunity to share about Jesus, His love for us and the hope that offers through the difficulties (and joys!) of life.

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